Local Dallas Attorney on Tax Resolution Services
Local Dallas Attorney on Tax Resolution Services

As an experience attorney who has specialized in tax problem resolution (http://www.myirsteam.com) in Texas for more than 15 years Nick Nemeth explains the importance of having a local tax lawyer. There are plenty of nationwide tax resolution companies, many that make offers and claims that state the company can help a taxpayer settle tax debt for just pennies on the dollar. A dispute wit the IRS over taxes is a very serious matter though, and one that must be handled properly in order to get the taxpayer the IRS relief that they are seeking and a more favorable case result. IRS agents can take money from bank accounts, known as a bank levy, or they can take a significant chunk from the paycheck of the taxpayer with a collection method called wage garnishment.Any taxpayer who has a dispute with the IRS deserves the services of a professional attorney who specialized in tax issue resolution, and who is locally situated. The Internal Revenue Service does not need to go to court and get a court order in order to take money or seize assets of the taxpayer, and aggressive collection methods by the agency can start very quickly once the first notice that the taxpayer owes money is sent out. Trusting a slick salesman for a national tax resolution company can be a very big mistake that the taxpayer may well regret later on. Some of these out of town companies get exceptional results, but others have individuals handle cases who do not have the necessary knowledge of tax law and IRS dispute resolution options.Some national tax resolution companies will use enrolled tax agents, CPAs, and other non attorney professionals. These professionals may provide excellent services, but they are not tax attorneys with many years of IRS negotiation experience. A local tax specialist like Nick Nemeth is a practiced tax lawyer with the knowledge necessary to get the most favorable outcome, and a local office that is convenient and highly accessible. Taking a chance on a national tax resolution company is very risky, and the taxpayer could end getting less than ideal results because the individual negotiating with the IRS is not a qualified IRS attorney with the specialized knowledge that this requires. A CPA may be a certified public accountant but they may not be experienced in dealing with the IRS on behalf of clients, and an enrolled tax agent may not be the best taxpayer advocate in order to lower any tax liability that the taxpayer may owe. A national tax resolution company is usually not the best choice for a taxpayer who wants to stop collection activities or get the best resolution possible for their case.The devastation that the IRS can cause for a taxpayer is extensive. In the video Nick Nemeth encourages Texas taxpayers to call him for IRS problems rather than dealing with a nation wide tax resolution company. The Nick Nemeth Law Offices is situated in Dallas, Texas, and the local office is very accessible. Nemeth invites local taxpayers who have a dispute with the IRS to call him and arrange for a meeting in his office to go over possible solutions. The Law Offices of Nick Nemeth can be reached by calling 972-484-0TAX, that is 972-484-0829, or taxpayers can visit the firm's website at www.myirsteam.com.