if you would like to support the efforts please Donate FROM EeoNs' CHANNEL ON THE NETLook we all Know that information is POWER, so stop allowing others that's right, allowing others to seize and steal Your POWER. If someone tells you something that is unbelievable and they can supply no proof, put it in file 13 (the trash),, If you hear some new information, or someone says "guess what I just heard?", yet it is only gossip, You put that in file 13. If you hear on the news, "it is believed that such and such, such and such did such and such such and such", but they then follow such and such by saying "we have few details", they are creating a narrative, telling you what they want you to conclude, you place that in file 13, and stop listening to that channel. When people start placing this nonrecyclable junk, powerless information in file 13, that gives them power. now you may ask how is this power? Simply because the information retained is true, and we all know truth is not relative, there could only be one absolute truth, and when you have that one absolute truth, respecting that truth you are the most powerful person alive. Just think about it! Knowledge is your most valuable resource, do not waste it by allowing it to be contaminated with "Useless Bandini"-Remember "Bandini is the word for fertilizer"