Find out how your Roth IRA retirement account can provide you BIG benefits because of the Cares Act. This $100K Debt Weapon could be the thing that gets you through these difficult times financially OR it could be the very thing that enables you to make big strides financially RIGHT NOW!!Don't forget to sign up TODAY for your exclusive one on one consultation at:
► http://www.FreeCoachingCalendar.comGet your FREE Cash Flow Cruncher budgeting spreadsheet here:
It's way more than just a budgeting spreadsheet! Manage your finances completely and easily with the Cash Flow Cruncher, our gift to you just for being a viewer of the channel!Right now you can withdraw up to $100,000 total from your IRA account(s) with ZERO Tax Liability!Use the money to pay bills, pay down your HELOC, or simply to get through the pandemic.IRA owners who are adversely affected by the pandemic are eligible to take tax-favored corona-related distributions from their IRAs.
These can add up to as much as $100,000.You can recontribute your corona-related distribution back into your IRA within three years of the withdrawal date.Both the withdrawal and the re-contribution are a totally tax-free rollover.
Typically, those of you who are younger than 59½ would get hit with a 10% penalty tax applied to your early IRA withdrawals.Not in this case - you can take advantage of this at any age and receive the zero tax liability benefits.This means that you’ll be allowed to borrow up to $100,000 from your IRA(s) and repay the amount(s) any time up to three years later with no federal income tax consequences.So, how do you qualify?Here’s what the CARES Act says.A corona-related distribution is a distribution of up to $100,000 from an eligible retirement plan, including an IRA, that is made on or after 1/1/20 and before 12/31/20 to an individual:* Who is diagnosed with corona by a test approved by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.* Whose spouse or dependent (generally a qualifying child or relative who receives more than half of his or her support from you) is diagnosed with corona by such a test.* Who experiences adverse financial consequences as a result of being quarantined, furloughed, laid off, or having work hours reduced due to corona.* Who is unable to work because of lack of child care due to corona and experiences adverse financial consequences as a result.* Who owns or operates a business that has closed or had operating hours reduced due to corona and has experienced adverse financial consequences as a result.* Who has experienced adverse financial consequences due to other corona-related factors to be specified in future IRS guidance.Want more actionable financial tips and tricks like this one? Check out our YouTube channel here sure to check out our social channels for more insight and industry news!
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