UPSC Civil Service Exam Orientation Promo: Thiru.V. Nandakumar IRS
Lit The Light - UPSC Civil Service Exam Orientation exclusively for Visually Challenged AspirantsSession Taken by; Thiru. V. Nandakumar IRS, Addl Commisioner of Income TaxTopics/ Date: Session 1: Indian Polity: 03.07.2021 Session 2: Indian Economy: 10.07.2021 Session 3: Indian History: 17.07.2021 Session 4: Geography: 24.07.2021 Session 5: Science & Technology: 31.07.2021Time: 3pm to 4.30pmMedium: Google MeetNote: These sessions only for visually challenged students who preparing for UPSC & TNPSC examsRegistration form for visually challenged aspirants: 9894212102Regards Lit The Light Trust #LitTheLight #UPSC #VisuallyChallenged #Aspirants #Orientation #CivilService