IRS Lawyers (855) 980-7563
There's 5 and only 5 strategies for settling your tax debt.1. Installment agreement: a monthly payment plan for paying off the IRS.
2. Partial payment installment agreement: a fairly new debt management program where you have a long term payment plan to pay off the IRS at a reduced dollar amount.
3. Offer in Compromise: a program where you can settle your tax debts for less than what you owe. Requires making a lump sum or short term payment plan to pay off the IRS at a reduced dollar amount.
4. Not currently collectible: a program where the IRS voluntarily agrees not to collect on the tax debt for a year or so.
5. Filing bankruptcy: discharge your tax debts under the strict rules of a Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy petition.If you need Tax Debt Help there's nothing super secret or special about paying off tax debts. You need to be aware that many of the people involved in this industry are only looking for your credit card. If a tax pro promises you that they can settle your tax debt for "pennies on the dollar" through an offer in compromise, that person is probably more interested in lining his own pocket or the pockets of the firm they are working for rather than focusing on your very unique financial situation and determining what the best course of action is for you.We will give you REAL ANSWERS to your tax debt settlement questions.IRS Tax Attorney
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