http://www.goodattorneysatlaw.comFlorida tax attorney Ari Good says that if the IRS or the Florida Department of Revenue comes knocking on your door, it's important to act now. Sometimes when a representative from the IRS or Florida Dept. of Revenue shows up, it is not because you have done anything wrong.When preparing for a visit from the IRS or Florida Dept. of Revenue, it's also very important to create the proper record up front to be ready for an assessment. Watch the video now to learn more.For more information on tax law in the state of Florida, visit our educational website which includes important tax resources such as what auditors look for. If you have legal questions, I want you to call me at (239) 216-4106. I welcome your call.Good Attorneys at Law, P. A.
Naples Executive Center
7935 Airport Pulling Rd - Suite 216
Naples, FL 34109
(239) 216-4106