< img design="float: left; margin:0 5px 5px 0;" src="https://ustaxreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/5NZaEV.jpg"/ > The IRS has actually rolled out brand-new drafts of a number of employment tax returns that are filed on an annual basis, including Form 943.As an employer, you are busy adapting to the constantly changing economic environment that this pandemic has actually produced, so your annual tax forms may be the last thing on your mind. To alleviate the tension of figuring out these new drafts and how your reporting will change this year, TaxBandits is breaking them down for you!Type 943, Employer's Annual Federal Return for Agricultural Worker, is just this: an annual type that companies in the agricultural market file with the IRS each year.The changes to Form 943 are reflective of the modifications made to the quarterly Type 941 concerning COVID-19 tax credits.