I read the IRS 1040 income tax form and tell you the IRS address to mail it to. I show you each line to fill out and read it to you. I tell you the IRS phone number for tax help for those living in the U.S. and internationally! I also show you how to download the form, save it to your computer, attach to your email, and print out the form to sign for the IRS. Please click like, subscribe, and share the video! I need 1000 subscribers! Thank you to all of my subscribers, and thank you for watching!Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Adult-Literacy-and-English-Language-103656521759513PayPal (Please Donate):adultlitel@gmail.comPatreon (Please Donate!):https://www.patreon.com/adultlitelYour homework is Worksheet #64 here:
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https://adultliteracyandenglishlanguage.wordpress.com/My Youtube Channel: