Learn how to fill out your Schedule K-1 quickly and accurately. If you operate a pass-through entity, you must fill out a Schedule K-1 tax form. This form lists the taxable income for S-corps, partnerships, and LLCs taxed as an S-corp or partnership. The IRS won’t accept your personal tax return if your Schedule K-1 isn’t included along with it. There are also some stiff penalties associated with failing to file a Schedule K-1. For a complete guide, visit: http://bit.ly/2WANOMxHere is everything our video covers:Part 1: Information about the partnership (1:24)Part 2: Information about the partner (3:05)Part 3: Partner’s share of current year income, deductions, credits, and other items (6:07)Get help with business tax filing on TaxSlayer: http://bit.ly/2XICVYDWant to discover what financial options are available for your small business? Using Fundera’s proprietary technology, you can apply for financing with over 30 different lenders with one application, at no cost whatsoever. Get started today: http://bit.ly/2vfz4lZSubscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos on how to help your business succeed: http://bit.ly/2LhY8nbIn this video, we provide a basic overview on filling out Schedule K-1. This video is not intended to provide legal advice or to form a professional relationship. We suggest contacting a business lawyer for advice specific to your circumstances.