Affordable Care Act: Directly e-file IRS Form 1094 - C & IRS Form 1095 - C in one click 888.786.6162Hi, this is Dan Doolin with Integrity Data.In this video, we're going to show you how to e-file your ACA returns with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).As you know, if you have more than 250 1095 - Cs, you are required to e-file your 1094 - C along with the copies of the 1095 - C to the Internal Revenue Service to demonstrate your compliance with the Affordable Care Act employer mandate.The IRS certainly hasn't made this easy for anyone, but we've utilized great technology to make it easy for you.Let's take a look at how you do this within the Integrity Data ACA Compliance and reporting system.Once you have generated your 1095 - Cs and 1094 - C, or in some cases, imported them from Dynamics GP you can navigate to the IRS filing option.We will click on utilities and maintenance. And then, IRS filing. As the window opens, you will see the filing status for each company in the system. If you have not started the filing process, then the filing status would be "not started." In this example, we have several companies and multiple filing statuses.To begin the filing process, simply select the company and send to the IRS. In this example, that process has already been completed.To view additional information about the filing statuses for each company, click View or come down to IRS filing activity.
Within the IRS filing activity window, we can look at three different transmissions to the Internal Revenue Service and view the status of each.In the first example, the status is pending. In the second example, the status was rejected. This information is updated real-time as the information becomes available from the Internal Revenue Service.You will also notice, the receipt ID at the bottom of the screen. The receipt ID is important for your filing deadlines.An additional transmission shows as completed. The Integrity Data ACA Compliance and reporting system gives you all the necessary features to e-file using Integrity Data's credentials with the Internal Revenue Service.You will always know the status of your e-filing return when you're using the Integrity Data system.Thanks for watching.Visit or contact us at 888.786.6162 for more information.© Integrity Data 2017 - ACA Compliance software company located in Illinois